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Astra Party Time Rebuilds 10p Play, Revised £5 AND brand new £8JP Multiplayers 40p xxx win 2.0.0

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Hello All,

My latest revisit and new release are Astra's Party Time 'Rebuilds', these are the Cat D 10p £5 and £8 Jackpots. The first one was released by me and others in time, but the £8 version I believe is new to DIF to download!

This release has brand new artwork for the base machines, new reel and belly glasses and new decals top and bottom to be more authentic.

Corrected the top box now so no more green background issues, and also customised them to have the red surround trim - true to the rebuild's variant's.

Shortcuts usual apply - 9 for 10p input - as per notes please add any 10ps in slowly or you'll get bad coin input error!

Thanks to Dan (bullionbars2011 on DIF and Jay777 (YouTube) for beta testing them.

Will be revising the older Party Time top boxes over the winter to correct the green background issue. Also a custom TARTY's Party Commission for Jay777 on YouTube to follow shortly - in keeping with his whacky one on his channel LOL

Enjoy Luke - aka AstraLuke - Astrafruitmachinecollector (YouTube)

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On 23/10/2024 at 17:35, Multi Retro Man said:

Hi, I loaded the £8 version but it had a green outline for top box and 3 machines. Is there a setting that needs changing? :)


Hey, Press alt & F1 for each machine it will hide the green background on them 🙂

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2 hours ago, Multi Retro Man said:

I've just tried it and it hasn't worked :(

If you have resized them they will have green showing. To check this go to Window tab and select original size on each? Then align them up. Or simply redownload it and hopefully be okay.

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9 hours ago, itspartytime said:

If you have resized them they will have green showing. To check this go to Window tab and select original size on each? Then align them up. Or simply redownload it and hopefully be okay.

I tried it but it still isn't clearing the green background. Can you post a screenshot of your settings for the game please? Just so I can compare it with mine?

Thank you

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