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Andy Loves Flo £6T/£6All Cash - £8T/£10-20/25p Dx's 1.0.0

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  Aahway to go Lads!! of to the Pub but get err in doors some flowers, that'll keep her sweet!!! He may be down the pub loads but he still loves Flo in this similar cloned machine to red hot roll, maybe this came out first who knows. but it does have a few different features that makes it stand out compared to the latter like one nudge next, super hold, nudge wink for the win and more.

 Thanks goto

@dad for his £6 dx and the other creator of the £10 mini version

also to @dad for the flyer used and to @johnparker007 for the upscale

Shortcuts are as standard, the "Heart" streak Feature = F

   I've uploaded Five separate files IF you only want a couple of versions download them if you want ALL the versions download the All in One File as that contains all five         versions!!!

   Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!

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Ahh, I used to hog this machine in an arcade called "Talk of the town" in Herne Bay, somewhere around the very late 1990's to early 2000's. It was 2p play, possibly £5 jackpot. I just liked the fact I got 50 plays for a £ and had a high bar stool to sit on while playing it... -  I loved it in that arcade!

Thanks for the lovely collection of DX's, @vectra666! :)

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On 26/05/2024 at 12:34, andrew1970play said:

takes me back to an arcade in blackpool which had this on a token setting 

That's where I first saw it, or Bridlington, one of the two. We were obsessed with the original AWP already that was in the local.

Cheers Vecs!

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As a clone, it's very playable, and I bet it did very well in the bingo halls.

Probably one of the last lotechs with a mixed/red/blue rolls on MPU4.  I did like this game, and on 8 quid token, it was good for a few quid.

Not sure if BWB did the 2p reglass with the 5 quid jackpot.  Regardless of such, this was not an easy game to win on, and dead rolls for a few quid were like pulling teeth.

I'll be downloading this soon, and I saw plenty of these, usually along the north west coasts.


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