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Ey up Lad!!! can you find seth and Amos or cash your lottery ticket in and maybe Off up t' woolly for a pint or three with big Alan T
its Ace's The Woolpack on £10 / 25p 82%
Thanks goto
@hitthesix for the original classic used, @Clo06 for identifying a few more lamps etc
@infection for the images used i think he said he got em from kevin via bongor, so maybe Mr P's??
@stevedude2 for the flyer
and to @serene02 for the Ace symbols from Play it Again.
now the layout itself, unfortunately there appears to be no sound roms for this machine so like the classic beforehand its using Emmerdale sounds instead.
a few minor things with the gameplay, which doesn't affect playabilty
the police bonuses - may not be lamped in their correct places and for some reason a few don't state what they're saying, take numbers in view, the reels will flash the numbers even though there's none on there
Dog trails you'll here chickens instead of dogs lol Woof, cluck, woof.
but it seams very generous paying over 100% Atm machine should be set to 82%
What's New in Version 1.0.0 See changelog
No changelog available for this version.