192 files
Star Wars - Club
By Reg
Previously hosted on other sites, since the great DVD scams on eBay - all external ways for accessing my work has been removed.
This layout file and game file is only obtainable to download from with zero cost to the end user for the rights to download and use. ( *.fml, *.gam )
Distribution is denied in any form beyond this, including the ideology that the buyer is paying for only distribution and packaging costs. ( *.fml, *.gam )
All roms and artwork remain the owner of their retrospective copyright holders. All layout design and the .fml file remains the copyright to the owner of
MFME copyright belongs to Wizard and the latest version of MFME can be downloaded from
Run For Your Money Club
By Reg
This is a very old layout by myself that has been updated for the current MFME.
To 95% of your, this is a New Release, to 4% of you this is an Re-Release to the other 1% of your this is something you can take into McDonalds and exchange for an apple pie as long as it's on a USB stick.
Big Brother
By Reg
I believe this may have been originally done by Andy Tutton, however that is pure speculation because of the strange wording around the outside. If he was around, I'd ask permission for a re-release but he has long left the scene so I am going to simply release for others.
What is the purpose of this, well to cut a long story short, I had to change a lot to put into my cabinet and there were things that I considered needed fixing just a little. You are going to need to assign your own shortcuts to the buttons here. I had a choice - create a "readme" file with the Room buttons in or simply say, please set your own shortcuts. I went for the setting your own shortcuts...
Caribbean Club
By Reg
Classic layout that I quickly tidied up for the scene - reasonably old clubber from Barcrest.
Smash Martians
By Reg
The smash gets mashed chaps... all their fruit machine glory.
Needs the MFME font that is available from this site if you don't have it already.
Place Your Bets
By Reg
One of a few layouts I don't believe I've released. Enjoy this nice little Barcrest machine.
Adders & Ladders
By Reg
A huge thanks to @Wizard for this one, not just for MFME but for providing the CHR file as well.
Without access to the real chip from the game it would not be possible for this to be a runner, you cannot work these out yourself.
The Mating Game
By Reg
This release has two version, one with a screen overlay ( many thanks to @A:E ) for allowing me to use the overlay here and one without.
Also a note of thanks to @Wizard for all the work he has done to make this game 100% playable and everything else for the scene as well as providing some source photos at The Mecca so I could confirm that there was nothing else to add here.
Note that this game plays 100% perfectly from an experience point of view if you get yourself a trackball. Here is one I have got from Amazon...
Strike It Lucky
By Reg
Not the best DX, but the base resources were not very good and you can only work with source material. However this is an ideal platform for somebody to make a better version of this DX if they have good source and materials.
Fat Cat
By Reg
First of all and most importantly, thanks to @Mavroz for this one. This is a test rom and a game that it would have been very unlikely you would have ever seen if it was not for him supplying the rom, so many thanks for this and being a supporter of the scene.
This machine has no art that we know of, no photo or any point of reference, I did my best, blind...
Star Wars - Return of the Jedi
By Reg
Nobody came up with any suggestions on how to improve this layout that had been lurking in the preview area, so this is the promotion of the layout from test to final.
Red Rose
By Reg
Many thanks to @Mavroz for this one, without the rom he provided this would not be possible.
This is looking like it was a failed test machine so this is one of the wonders of MFME that we can play machines we would never see in the wild. There appears to be no pictures of it available so this was done using common sense and hope that it has been done right.
An interesting machine, worth a play for the unique way it plays.
Club Adders & Ladders DX
By Reg
Old game I did a long time ago, updated for current MFME.
One I used to play in the wild.
Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back
By Reg
The second one in the serious of three, from Barcrest.